Harun Farocki-搜索结果

  • 建立 Aufstellung

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Harun Farocki   编剧:哈伦·法罗基


  • 识别和追踪 Erkennen und Verfolgen


    导演:Harun Farocki   编剧:哈伦·法罗基


      In 1991, when images of the Gulf War flooded the international media, it was virtually impossible to distinguish between real pictures and those generated on computer. This loss of bearings was to change forever our way of deciphering what we see. The image is no longer used only as testimony, but also as an indispensable link in a process of production and destruction. This is...

  • 如你所见 Wie man sieht


    导演:Harun Farocki   编剧:


      In As You See, Farocki searches for those instances and facts in the history of technology that have been overlooked or ignored, also exploring the ambivalent relationship between technologies developed for civil use and those designed for military purposes.
      Thus the film for instance describes how in the 1970's workers at the British arms factory Lucas Aerospace attempted to d...

  • 两次战争之间 Zwischen zwei Kriegen


    导演:Harun Farocki   编剧:哈伦·法罗基 Harun Farocki


      In Between two wars, Harun Farocki attempts to interlock the logic of war with the logic of production

  • 并非没有风险 Nicht ohne Risiko


    导演:Harun Farocki   编剧:哈伦·法罗基, Matthias Rajmann


      The film follows the negotiations between a mid-sized company and a venture capital firm. The company is looking for capital to start production on its invention. Farocki limits himself to observing events without comment. He has edited together documentary footage of the two meetings that resulted in a contract. It's a microscopic look at one cell of today's economy; an ethnog...

  • 一镜中的劳作 Labour in a Single Shot


    导演:Harun Farocki, Antje Ehman   编剧:

